
Terrible or Formidable? You are in charge of how the recruiters perceive you!

Presenting oneself in an industrial context can be a true challenge for researchers fostered in an academic culture. Bérénice Kimpe, career facilitator for PhDs in France and Germany, has a main message: make sure you present yourself the way you want to be perceived.

The great CV controversy: maybe you are asking the wrong question? (Barry O’Brien, March 2016)

All seekers of jobs or lab positions have had reason to ponder over the eternal question: “Is it OK to put photos on your CV or not?” Barry O’Brien, British career coach based in Stockholm, has a very definitive answer: “It depends …”

Build a social media strategy wisely  

When we use social media, making our names easily searchable online, we rarely consider the consequences. But did you know that it is a standard procedure for job recruiters to google your name? Certain types of content can actually disqualify…