Occupy Science! (Javier Rodríguez Laguna, April 2015)

‘Science is anarchist’ according to Javier Rodríguez Laguna, Researcher at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Yet it seems that ‘we have accepted to many unnescessary power structures’ Is it time for science to open up and follow in the tracks in the free software community?

If you love science: avoid scienceyness like the plague

Scienceyness is something we all should stay away from. The word was recently coined in an article on medium.com by Ben Thomas—author, journalist and independent researcher. His message in short: stop sharing this kind of rubbish!

Natural history research—a supply and demand industry? (James O’Hanlon, March 2015)

We have a product: popular science communication. And we have a market: the public. Can there be a business model that caters for this demand? James O’Henlon, Australian zoologist, raises the question whether exploratory research should be driven by a supply and demand mechanism.