Starting a podcast – experience and tips from Blanka of Drop the STEM

A science podcast not only about the results of the research but mostly about the process of research – this is what makes Drop the STEM unique. Elizabeth from Crastina reached out to its founder, Blanka Novák from Hungary, to hear more about…

Interview with Glenn Wolkenfeld – the man behind sciencemusicvideos

Glenn Wolkenfeld is a high school teacher and the man behind the website, We spoke to him about all things music and science education. Hello, Glenn. Thank you for speaking to us. Could you tell us a little about…

Interview with Lucy Poley – Tips to make great graphical abstracts

Lucy Poley is a scientist and artist with  interests in ecology, geography, and wildlife biology. She is interested in communicating scientific principals and inspiring others through visual art. Here we speak to her about about her journey…