Entries by Ellinor Nilsson


Time to Celebrate the Periodic Table with a Video Competition – an interview with Ulrika Örn

The year 2019 is designated as the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT). As part of the celebration, IYPT Sweden arranges an exciting video competition for schools, focusing on the periodic table. Crastina had a short interview with Ulrika Örn, one of the organizers. Tell us about IYPT and the current video competition! Many people […]

The Art of Expressing Science Through Poetry

Sherry-Ann Brown, MD, Ph.D., is a physician-scientist in the fields of preventive cardiology, cardio-oncology, and heart disease in women. Additionally, she is successful in, and passionate about, expressing science and medicine through poetry. Crastina contacted Dr. Brown for an interview. 1. Please tell us briefly about your scientific background! I was offered a research scholarship […]