Communication stuff which can be put to use by early career scientists – new channels and methods, tutorials, interviews about practical stuff, links to forgotten gems etc.

Animations: not so difficult after all

Creating simple animations is not as difficult as you may think. Graphic designer, scientist, and science communicator Szymon Drobniak shares a range of tools and approaches - from graphic software to R - along with tutorials and inspirations…

A short guide to movie making

It's 2016 and visualising your idea through film is easier than ever. Unfortunately, with so many distractions engaging your audience is a lot harder than it was just a few years ago, and making them lend you 10 minutes of their time seems almost…

Slide design for dummies

What makes a clear and visually appealing presentation? Toon Verlinden from "The floor is yours" shows an extreme makeover of power point slides, demonstrating a few simple design tricks that work wonders. This post has been originally…

Six tips when you’re explaining science to kids

“Explaining science to kids is demanding!” says Michał Krupiński, Polish nuclear physicist and science communicator. Here he shares some of is experience in the form of six tips. The main messages: “Don't be childish, and don't oversimplify!”. …

Base Graphics in R: A Detailed Idiot’s Guide

The programming language R is great for data visualization: users have a total control of all graph features, plots can be easily modified or replicated, and the active developers community keeps improving and developing new graphic packages.…

Photo on your CV or not? – the complete guide

Should you include your photo on your CV or not? This guide is a follow-up to The Crastina Column of March 2016, “The CV controversy: maybe you are asking the wrong question?”.