
A handful of podcast recommendations from the Crastina crew

For the Science and Sound theme Crastina’s editors and writers compiled a subjective selection of podcast episodes that impressed, amused, and inspired us. Explore the variety of topics and formats, and immerse yourself in these fascinating…

A handful of podcast recommendations from the Crastina crew

For the Science and Sound theme Crastina’s editors and writers compiled a subjective selection of podcast episodes that impressed, amused, and inspired us. Explore the variety of topics and formats, and immerse yourself in these fascinating…

Starting a podcast – experience and tips from Blanka of Drop the STEM

A science podcast not only about the results of the research but mostly about the process of research – this is what makes Drop the STEM unique. Elizabeth from Crastina reached out to its founder, Blanka Novák from Hungary, to hear more about…

Dr Shannon Odell – The perfect balance of Science and Comedy

Did you ever have a professor, making jokes during lectures and you felt like you understood and learned better in this course than with the monotone and boring professor? Did you ever ask yourself if science and comedy could mix together? Do…

Let’s talk about cancer, separating facts and untruths – an interview with Lisa Whittaker of Tenovus

At some time or another, each of us will have been touched by cancer in some way. Whether we have had cancer ourselves, or it has touched a loved one or acquaintance. In fact, in 2018, it is estimated that 9.6 million people died from the disease,…

Darwin Day celebrated to promote public understanding of evolution

Darwin Day is celebrated on 12th February to commemorate Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary theory, on his birthday anniversary. The celebrations honor the discovery and intellectual bravery of Darwin, and are meant as acclamation…

Talking science from the top of a soap box

How do you transform public spaces into an arena for public learning and scientific debate? Invite top female scientists to talk to people while standing on a soap box in the street!  Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform, which also…