
Tor Martin Austad, Visual Lab: “Animation has no boundaries”

Having felt drawn to creative work, Tor Martin Austad combined his master degree (MSc) in biology with skills in animation to create Visual Lab. Operating out of Norway, Tor Martin works with universities, scientists, educational institutions…

Andy Brunning, Compound Interest: “Infographics can grab the attention in ways an article on a topic can’t.”

A chemist by training, Andy Brunning turned to teaching when he realized he wasn’t fond of lab work. As a secondary chemistry teacher having little luck finding eye-catching posters to put up in his classroom, Andy decided to make them himself…

Dr Marek Skupinski – visual artist and scientific illustrator

With a PhD in physics, trained in materials science and nanotechnology, Marek Skupinski is an author of scientific illustrations, book covers and editorial illustrations for newspapers and magazines. In addition, he is a founder of Hyperfine…

“Virus, the Beauty of the Beast” – an Interview with Hamish Todd

If you haven’t seen Virus, the Beauty of the Beast, I suggest you stop what you’re doing right now: grab a cup of tea with one hand and your mouse with the other and sit down to enjoy Hamish Todd’s latest creation that has been 3 years…

“Get a crash course in information design and effective communication!”

Learn a little bit about information design, and you can make very effective visuals together with an illustrations professional. This is the advice of Belgian 3D artist & illustrator Luk Cox, specialized in making graphical abstracts. The…

Crastina Column, June–Aug 2017: “Being a proud intermediary” by Fredrik Saarkoppel

“I’m specialised in understanding three things: firstly the subject itself, and secondly the perspectives of the two groups that I serve, i.e. senders and receivers.” So says Fredrik Saarkoppel, Swedish freelance illustrator with many…