Taking the temperature—about one of mankind’s most important communication challenges

Kirk Englehardt, Director of Research Communication at Georgia Tech, is fascinated by one of mankind’s biggest communication challenges: how to convince the world that a global warming is going on. In a blog series, he will interview some prominent scientists in the field.

Thermometer on a beach shows high temperatures

The ”series of interviews with scientists who study — and communicate about — climate” will be published as guest posts on the blog of Paige Brown Jarreau. Kirk Englehardt writes:

This series is an opportunity to learn more about how these esteemed scientists are communicating, the risks they are taking by publicly engaging in the climate discussion, and how their outreach activities have affected each of them personally and professionally.

Read more:

A Crastina interview from June this year with Kirk (@kirkenglehardt):

LinkedIn champion publishes weekly link tips about science communication

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